
Make sure to catch the eighth Pokétoon episode, "Jigglypuff's Song", with official English subtitles, on the Pokémon Kids TV Japan YouTube channel

The eighth episode of Pokétoon was released on the official Pokémon Kids TV Japan YouTube channel at the beginning of this week. The episode is titled "Jigglypuff's Song".

Synopsis said:
ある日、モモが公園を通りかかると、泣き続けているプリンを発見。 プリンと仲良くなったモモは、後日同じくプリンを連れているともだちのアンズと出会う。 アンズのプリンが上手な歌を披露すると、モモのプリンはなにやら居心地が悪そうにしており.....?!
One day, when Momo walks in the park, she finds a crying Jigglypuff. Momo, who became friends with the Jigglypuff, later meets her friend Anzu, who also has a Jigglypuff. When Anzu's Jigglypuff sings well, Momo's Jigglypuff looks somewhat uncomfortable.....?!

Momo: Kaede Hondo
Jigglypuff: Miho Okasaki
Anzu: Miyu Tomita

Director/Storyboard/Color Design: Satō Yū
Screenplay: Midori Sato
Character Design: Shinoya
Background Art: Toshiyuki Tokuda

You can watch the episode below. Both English and Japanese subtitles are available in the video.

AllenWarrior Written by AllenWarrior