
Up vs. Down 106: Sinnoh Vs Hisui

Hello everyone!! Welcome to Lissi’s Up vs Down, volume 106! Sinnoh vs hisui! Will you play for the Hisui region featured in the Pokémon Legends Arceus game, or the Sinnoh region featured in the Diamond, Pearl and Platinum games?

  • Game starts at 250
  • Sinnoh’s League Trainers will count up to 500
  • Hisui’s Galaxy Team will count down to 0
  • Players can choose any team on their first post but cannot change afterwards.
  • No ping-ponging meaning you cannot make another post in the thread until at least two other users have made a post since you last posted.
  • (No I definitely didn’t copy and paste these rules from the last games)

Sinnoh’s League Trainers

@mastermind lissi
@pink the Eevee

Hisui’s Galaxy Team

@Poke Trey
@Jon Watercooler

I will start us off with a point for Sinnoh, since my first games were Bdsp 251

And with that, may the odds be ever in (your favourite regions) favour! (I’m sorry I just like making hunger games references)
JollyYoshi Written by mastermind lissi