
Pokémon Red and Emerald to feature as part of a multiworld randomizer in the Multithon 2024 speedrun marathon in support of BluePath Service Dogs

Because it's dangerous to go alone - multithon
Multithon 2024 is being held this week from March 14th to March 17th, with an additional preshow on the 13th. This year's marathon, which is raising money for BluePath Service Dogs, will feature both Pokémon Red and Pokémon Emerald, alongside Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX in a multiworld format using Archipelago. The event's stream will be active on the Multithon Twitch channel from 9:00am (PDT) to around 12:30am (PDT) each day if the event.

As the name implies, almost every run in the Multithon marathon will feature either multiple players, multiple playable characters, and/or even crowd interaction, on the belief that games are more fun to play/faster together. The first Multithon event took place in February 2023. They also hosted an event known as Multithon Rivals in September 2023, which held three online fighting game tournaments across three days. BluePath Service Dogs is an organization that provides service animals to autistic individuals, offering them safety, companionship, and opportunities for independence.

Archipelago is a multiworld style randomizer that allows users to combine many games into a multiplayer cooperative experience. Items or abilities in one game may be found in another, requiring players to work together to make progress. For example, the Card Key for Pokémon Red might be found in a chest in one of the Zelda games. Archipelago currently has support for 55 games.

The details and expected times for the Pokémon-linked run in this event is as follows. Please note that these times were correct at time of writing, but may be subject to change based on alterations in the marathon. Check the full schedule to check the approximate start time for each run in your local timezone, as well as for any schedule changes and updates.

Pokémon Red, Pokémon Emerald, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening DX
Saturday March 16th - 11:10am (PDT)
Category: Archipelago Multiworld Randomizer
Expected length: 4:00:00
Runners: ProPokeNoob, DerrickGnC, broken_but_alive, Aestolia

To donate to Multithon, refer to the stream while the marathon is active for instructions.
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