
Pokémon Company launches website and social media accounts for Project Snorlax

Project Snorlax
The Pokémon Company has today opened up a website, Twitter account and Instagram account for Project Snorlax (プロジェクトカビゴン). Details on the project are currently sparce, with the website displaying a Coming Soon banner with no information. The bios of the Twitter and Instagram accounts are similarly unhelpful, simply stating that they are limited-time accounts for Project Snorlax, a project to support the Sleeping Pokémon Snorlax.

While it seems likely that this project will tie-in in some fashion to Pokémon Sleep, no explicit mention has been made in any of the initial posts here about the upcoming spin-off title.

Twitter: @project_kabigon

Instagram: project_kabigon
Archaic Written by Archaic