
The super song universe

Hello. This is only sort of a blog. I got inspired to post this here from Lissi's pokeverse blog. While ive been listening to songs, I have made a list of characters and storylines for a universe where all these songs are super heroes, super villains, crossover events, organizations, and other comic book stuff. If any one has their own song super hero ideas, feel free to add them. I know this isn't pokemon related, but I wanted to share them. Here are the ones I can think of from the top of my head:

There is a whole race of super humans with this concept. They have super powers(usually super strength) but also have a evil voice in their head. This other person or voice in their had is commonly called Monster or Beast, but a few others I've heard in songs and put in this category are called Carnivore, the Psycho In My Head, and the Face Inside.

Also, as inspired by the Michael Jackson song Thriller, their is a big crossover event(crossover as in multiple same universe comics, not different franchises) called Thriller Night, where zombies come alive. It's during this event that the character from skillet's Back From The Dead, who is a person that gets brought back from the dead but keeps his mind and thus isn't a zombie.

And I have tons more
Archaic Written by helperman