
RewriteShipping (Sordward x Sonia)

i said i'd finally man-up and make a thread for them if my friend dawn joined the forums, and they did, so here we are! a little thread so that i and anyone else who wants to join in can discuss my currently favorite niche pokemon ship!! (cuz i have talked abt them in various places but im not quite sure where to put my various general ramblings about them)

rewriteshipping is kinda a pending name because it hasnt officially been accepted onto the list yet but i'll stick with it for now;; because i really like the __shipping format as opposed to just portmanteau ship names. me and my friends also very commonly call this one as "sordsoni" or "soso"

if anyone is interested in knowing more about the ship since the fanbase mostly just consists of me and my friends i'd be happy to answer!! nothing would make me happier than having an excuse to spread the agenda...

guzmania Written by sleepwick