
Mafia Majora's Masks Mafia [Day Four]


Above picture is taken from r/Zelda on Reddit. It is not my own. I am not sure who the original artist is as it was reposted.

Heyo TWR!

Welcome to my latest game, based on one of my favourites of all time. (I mean come on, of course it is, it's Zelda lol) In this game you will play as a mask from the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask game. It features around 20+ masks so I thought it would be kinda cool, and a bit different to make a role based on each mask rather than each character in the game. Hence the "masks" being plural in the title.

There isn't really much introduction to be given for the game really. One thing I will say is that there are no crazy game changing mechanics you may find in some of my other games. It is simply a role heavy but otherwise normal mafia game. Most, potentially all players will have a role of some sort.​
1. All BMGf and TWR rules apply.

2. Not posting in 48 hours means you get an activity prod from me, if you dont post for another 24 hours after this, I will be forced to sub you out or unfortunately modkill you.

3. This game will be No Outside Contact (NOC), this means you may only talk about the game in this thread, no PMs, Discord etc. (Unless specified otherwise)

4. The game follows a 24 hour night, and 48 hour day cycle.

5. Do not loophole abuse, if you aren't sure on something PM me before you post anything elsewhere. You are allowed to tag me to say "Are we allowed to talk about ____" In thread. Attempting to do something that you should know is wrong will be punished accordingly.

6. No quoting anything in your Role PM, you may only paraphrase. You may not discuss win-cons.

7. Role and name claiming are both allowed.

8. The game will use a standard voting system, which means whoever has the most votes at the end of the day phase will be lynched, regardless of how many people voted.

9. Votes should be done in the format of Vote: Name and Unvote: Name, this both makes it easier for me to find and is just a little cleaner to read, in my opinion. A tie in votes results in a no-lynch. Alternatively you may also vote for no lynch as an option.

10. Most importantly, try and have fun!

Rules specific for this game:
11. The Mafia team will be given a list of what masks are NOT in the game. Otherwise, this is not public information. This allows for fake-claims and also gives a bit of a fighting chance against a role heavy Town side.

(This is an attempt at balancing but if it is a clear issue within signups, I am open to discussion about removing this rule)

I will be looking for 14 players. Should we reach the 30 day signup limit and not fill the game, I will remove some roles to accommodate the player count. However logistically within TWR this is still classed as a large game.

Written by Calvinッ