
EVERYONE: - Ongoing Let's Play Pokémon Plus and Minus

Content warning: Mild suggestive themes.

Let me walk you through a possible Generation 8 Pokémon game, that I've been writing about on PokéFanon Wikia.

Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

It was the year 2020. Gamefreak has announced the new Pokémon games Plus and Minus. I was so excited, that I went on Amazon and pre-ordered Plus.

On release day, a package arrived. I opened it and there it was: Pokémon Plus for the Nintendo Switch. The boxart depicted the Legendary Pokémon Pluralure, which looks like a orange bipedal cat with crosses everywhere. It's arms outstretched make it look like a plus. There is a white plus stripe on it's stomach, it's tail has split to make the shape of a plus, it has straight whiskers to make it's head a plus with it's cat ears straight. If I got Minus, the Legendary would have been Minboa who is a blue straight snake.

I popped the Pokémon Plus cartridge into my Nintendo Switch. The title screen appeared with the Pokémon Plus logo and Pluralure on the bottom screen. I pressed A. A man with a long grey beard appeared.

"Welcome to the World of Pokémon," he said. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Professor Albert Pine."

It was awesome to hear voices in a Pokémon game. Professor Pine was voiced by Mike Pollack, which I was able to tell by his Eggman-like voice.

"This world," Pine continued, "Is inhabited by creatures we call Pokémon. I study the Pokémon that live in the Illis region. Now tell me. Are you a boy or a girl?"

I laughed at the idea of a modern game Professor asking for a gender. The screen showed a boy on the left and a girl on the right. The boy had brown hair and wore a red baseball cap with a Poké Ball symbol, a blue t-shirt with a Poké Ball design, a red backpack, beige khakis and black sneakers. The girl was blonde and wore a red headband, a pink shirt with a Pokéball, blue denim thigh-high shorts, a red purse, and white sneakers. While I liked the female design, I chose to go with the boy.

"And what's your name?" asked Pine.

I typed in "Sean." It was harder without the touch screen but it was more fun to hover the cursor over the letters.

"Oh, so you're Sean," said Pine, "The boy next door? Are you ready?" asked Pine. "Your very own Pokémon journey is about to unfold. You will face many challenges. Come on over to my lab. Let's go!"

The screen flashed white, then faded to black. The story started with both player characters sleeping in a bunk bed. The girl in the top bunk woke up, yawned and looked at the clock.

"Yikes," she exclaimed. "We have to be at Professor Pine's lab."

The girl climbed down the ladder and shook my character. "Wake up, wake up, brother. It's me, Samantha."

So the player characters are brother and sister? If I was playing as the girl, the boy would have been on the top bunk coming down to shake me awake saying "Wake up, wake up, sister. It's me, Samuel." Whatever gender I pick would have the other character be a sibling named Sam.

My virtual eyes opened.

"We have to go," said Sam. "The professor's lab is right next door."

We both got out of bed. I was wearing blue pajamas and Sam was wearing a pink night gown.

"We need to get dressed," said Sam. She then walked over to her bag at the foot of the bag.

I can finally control my character. I used the D-Pad to walk around the room. The left analog stick also allowed me to walk, but I can walk in smoother directions. I tried the right analog stick and it moved the camera. I held B to run around the room. I walked up to Sam and pressed A.

"We need something to wear on our adventure," said Sam. "No sense in going in our PJs."

I walked toward the stairs, but an exclamation mark appeared over Sam's head.

"Wait, Sean," she said. "You're not dressed yet. Find something to wear in your dresser."

My character automatically stepped back. I walked toward the dresser and pressed A. The screen went black for two seconds. I then saw my character looking in the mirror wearing the clothes from the character select screen.

"How do I look?" asked Sam.

My character turned around. The camera panned up Sam's body and rotated around her and zoomed out as she winked with a peace sign. (Samuel's pose would have been him holding his fist with a determined look.)

"Well come on! You lead the way," said Sam as she walked up to me.

She then followed me while I used the D-Pad. We went downstairs and were greeted by Mom.

"Sean, Sam, there you are," said Mom. "Sean I got you a new Poké Phone. With this you can call people and play online games. I already got my number registered."

A different styled text box appeared with Rodger Parson's voiceover to read: "Sean obtained a Poké Phone. Sean put the Poké Phone in the Key Items Pocket."

"We should exchange numbers too," said Sam. "Here's my number."

"Sean registered Sam in the Poké Phone," said the narration text box.

"Now let's hurry. The professor is waiting," said Sam.

We walked out the door. I tried to head south but Sam pulled me away from the Evan Town border saying "That's not the way." We then walked into the house east of mine.

"There you are," said Mrs. Pine. "Matt is downstairs with my husband."

We then walked down the stairs into Professor Pine's laboratory. Next to Pine was a spikey haired boy in a leather jacket.

"There you are," said Pine. "Did you get a good night sleep?"

"Now that they are here," said Matt, "could I pick a Pokémon?"

"Be patient, Matthew," said Pine. "You'll get your turn. First up, Sean. Take your pick. Will you take the Grass-type Leafer, the Fire-type Heatty or the Water-type Fishkin?"

Leafer is an anthropomorphic leaf. It's on four small feet and it has a simple smiley face.

Heatty is an orange tabby cat with a flame on its tail.

Fishkin is a blue tuna fish with a wavy tail.

Because I prefer Fire starters I chose Heatty.

"You want Heatty?" asked Pine.

I selected "Yes."

"Sean obtained a Heatty," said the narrator.

"Do you want to nickname your Heatty?" asked Pine.

"No." I selected.

"My turn," said Matt as he took a Poké Ball. "I'll take Fishkin."

"Looks like I'm left with Leafer," said Sam as she took the last one. "Hey Sean, let's have our first battle, right here, right now."

It then changed into the battle screen. There was that same animation with Sam.

"You are challenged by Pokémon Trainer Sam," said the narrator. "Pokémon Trainer Sam sent out Leafer. Go Heatty!"

The two Pokémon faced off at the battlefield. I selected "Fight" and "Ember".

"Heatty used Ember," said the narrator.

Heatty spit embers at Leafer. Leafer's green bar went down.

"It's super effective," said the narrator. "Leafer fainted. Heatty gained 67 Experience Points. Heatty grew to Level 6. You defeated Pokémon Trainer Sam!"

"No," said Sam. "I lost my first battle."

"Sean gained $500."

Back in the overworld, Sam got over her loss.

"Well, I'll do better next time," she said.

"Move over," said Matt. "I want to battle too."

Back on the battle screen, the narrator announced "You are challenged by Pokémon Trainer Matt. Pokémon Trainer Matt sent out Fishkin. Go Heatty!"

I used Scratch, while Fishkin used Bubble. Heatty's health went to red. I used scratch one more time and Fishkin fainted.

"No," said Matt. "I can't lose to a loser."

Back in the overworld, Matt was still mad.

"How did he beat me?" asked Matt. "My Fishkin had the advantage."

"Types aren't everything when it comes to battles," said Pines. "Here, let me heal up your Pokémon."

The screen went black and I heard the Pokémon Center jingle.

"There you go," said Pine. "Now your Pokémon are healed, I'll give you each ten Potions."

"Sean obtained Potions," said the narrator.

"And I have an errand for you three," Pine continued. "This is the latest version of the Pokédex. I'm counting on you to fill it up with all kinds of Pokémon around Illis. If you can record them all, there will be a special upgrade."

"Sean obtained the Pokédex," said the narrator.

"While seeing Pokémon would give you half-entries," explained Pine. "you get full entries by catching them. You will need these."

"Sean obtained Poké Balls," said the narrator.

"I'll show you how to use them," said Pine. "Head out to Route 1. Anymore questions and you can call me on the Poké Phone"

"Sean registered Pine on the Poké Phone," the narrator announced.

"Yeah, we'll call you," said Matt.

"Sean registered Matt on the Poké Phone," the narrator announced.

I pressed X and tapped "Save".

"Would you like to save the game?" asked the narrator.

I tapped "Yes."

"Saving, don't turn off the power," said the narrator. "Sean saved the game."

I turned off my Switch.
Written by SeanWheeler