
If you could change a Pokémon's type...

Have you ever wished that you could change a Pokémon's type? There's quite a few I would change if I had the chance....

Galarian Farfetch'd and Sirfetch'd - Fighting/Flying
I know they can't fly, but neither can Doduo and Dodrio. If simply being a bird was enough to be classed as Flying in Red and Blue, why not now?

Azurill, Marill and Azumarill - remove Fairy type
I'd change these back to the original typings they had before X and Y. Giving them the Fairy type never make much sense to me - what makes them more fairylike than, say, Pikachu or Skitty? It also spoiled the novelty of Azurill being a Pokemon that completely changes its type when it evolves.

Swablu and Fletchling - pure Flying
Like Rookidee and Corvisquire, these two Pokémon gain another type when they evolve, so they could have been pure Flying. If you wanted to take it a step further, all Normal/Flying types could be changed to pure Flying. Rookidee and Corvisquire's typing does raise some questions otherwise: what makes them less "normal" than all the other bird Pokémon we've seen before?

Unova starters
I'd change Pignite to pure Fire, Emboar to pure Fire or Fire/Ground, and Samurott to Water/Fighting. I'd either keep Serperior the same or make it Grass/Dragon.

Florges and Xerneas - Fairy/Grass
I know this wouldn't have been such a good defensive typing for either Pokémon, but it would have made more sense lore-wise. I like Flabébé and Floette being pure Fairy because they're just fairies that carry a flower around, but Florges should have become Fairy/Grass when it evolves because the flower becomes part of its body. Xerneas resembles a tree while in its dormant state, and with the Grass type it would have been a much fairer opponent for Yveltal, with each Pokémon being able to use super-effective STAB moves against the other.

Zeraora - Electric/Fighting
I'm fine with Zeraora being pure Electric, but it does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity when it could have been the first ever Electric/Fighting type. It learns Power-Up Punch, Quick Guard and Close Combat via level-up.

Another thing that bothers me, to a lesser extent because it's purely aesthetic, is when a Pokémon's primary and secondary types seem like they should be the other way round. We've seen some strange anomalies lately, like Mime Jr. going from primary Psychic to secondary Psychic when it evolves into Galarian Mr. Mime, and Galarian Slowpoke going from pure Psychic to secondary Psychic when it evolves. Or what about Snom and Frosmoth - why are they secondary Bug when Larvesta and Volcarona are primary Bug? Why are Tirtouga and Carracosta the only Fossil Pokémon, barring the Galar ones, not to be primary Rock? The list goes on!
Written by Puddle