
Preview HZ047: Liko and Nyarote, Put All Your Heart Into It

Information courtesy of Dephender at Serebii, set to air April 19th

Liko, Roy and Dot have gone to visit Kaede, the Gym Leader of Cercle Town, for Liko's Terastal training assessment test. They make it to her shop "Patisserie Mukuroji" without any issues, but then Sango from the Explorers barges in and the situation somehow turns into a confectionery cooking competition......?! How will Liko and Nyarote's Terastal training go?

Screenplay 松澤くれは (Kureha Matsuzawa)
Storyboard 尼野浩正 (Hiromasa Amano)
Episode Director 又野弘道 (Hiromichi Matano)
Animation Director 新城真 (Makoto Shinjō)
BigDocFan Written by BigDocFan