
Do you like the Japanese Version or Only English? What do you think of japanese veraion name of pokemon and Attacks

Do you like the Japanese Version or Only English? What do you think of japanese veraion name of pokemon and Attacks

Dear All, it is the first time for me to see the Japanese version in original or let's say that I am listening more than watching cause I already became the person who love listening more than watching specially if I saw the episode already and maybe I will see closely if I forget the episodes anyways.

I already saw Japanese version during XY until Pokemon Journeys but finally got to see the Japanese version in original and now reached the advanced generation?

I always love English version for pokemon but now I loved also see pokemon in japanese version also so no problem.

In english version, they organised the music better in some events and mostly I think it is better in English but still some are same. I thought that the names of pokemon are mostly awful in japanese and the same for attacks.

Skarmori is much better than airarmed.
Zenigame is good but also squirtle. The same for feshigidane and bulbarsuar
magemite qnd mannitol name are awful in japanese coil and rare coil.
Waurtutile and blasting are much better than kameil and kamex