
All About Shinies!

Shiny Pokemon.. some Pokemon players hunt for them. Some players don't think shinies at all until they suddenly see one in the wild and then they'll get excited! Some players shiny hunt and some don't. What's your opinion of shinies and how valuable are they to you? Does it depends on the Pokemon that's shiny or does seeing any kind of shiny bring you excitement?

My relationship towards shinies is kind of weird.

I think they're lovely but two things have ruined the value of shinies in my eyes. One is the fact that it's become easier and easier and easier to farm shinies now. It used to be MUCH harder. This means shinies as a whole are less rare than they used to be, and what I valued shinies for the most was their rarity. Then the second thing that kinda ruins shinies for me is the fact that so many playe rs hack, which makes it harder to know when a shiny is legit or not.

On the whole though, I feel that the other main thing to value shinies for is the personal experience of catching one, not showing them off. There are only like 10-15 shinies where I prefer the shiny form over the original, but every time I look at a shiny Pokemon I caught I'll reminisce back to the moment I first caught it. So much of the value of shinies to me is also very personal.

Also what are your favorite shinies? I really like shiny Meowstic!

Written by Claire386