Candice debuts her new Palentines' Sync Pair with Darmantian in Pokémon Masters EX in a set of Seasonal Scouts
This Seasonal Scout give players bonus presents for the first three times players perform a Sync Pair Scout x11, awarding a Strike Move Candy Coin each time. This Seasonal Scout also include a daily discount, where players can perform a single scout for x100 paid gems. This daily discount can be used 1 time per day during the entire length of the scout.
In addition to the regular Seasonal Scout, players can also take advantage of a Candice Seasonal Tiered Scout. This scouts has ten tiers, each of which is a Sync Pair Scout ×11. Players are able to scout once on each tier by using Paid Gems, with the amount of gems increasing with each tier. Additionally, Tiers 5 and 10 of each grant the player special tickets to use in the associated Candice Seasonal Featured Ticket Scout.
- Tier 1: 300 Paid Gems
- Tier 2: 900 Paid Gems
- Tier 3: 1,500 Paid Gems
- Tier 4: 2,000 Paid Gems
- Tier 5: 3,000 Paid Gems - 5★ Great Scout Ticket Y
- Tier 6: 2,000 Paid Gems
- Tier 7: 2,500 Paid Gems
- Tier 8: 2,500 Paid Gems
- Tier 9: 2,500 Paid Gems
- Tier 10: 3,000 Paid Gems - 5★ Master Scout Ticket Y